For having met on an online matrimonial site not too long ago, Arun and Sneha were so comfortable with each other on the day of their couple shoot. Arun stays in Australia and since he was planning on leaving right after their wedding, we decided to prepone this shoot to a day after their wedding festivities ended.
We got to Lalbagh quite early on a Sunday morning. A few minutes later, Arun and Sneha showed up in the western outfits all ready to be photographed. They look unbelievably good together! They were completely up for anything – to jump, climb, walk and twirl!! But when they jumped, they did so in unison; When they were climbing or walking, Arun held onto Sneha’s hand to ensure she was safe (she was walking in high heels on a hill!); and when we asked Sneha to twirl, Arun made sure to always catch her after she felt dizzy. If that isn’t true love, I don’t know what is!
So, here are some of the beautiful shots from our 4-hour Sunday morning post wedding couple shoot with them.
Here’s what Arun had to say once he saw the images:
There are some photographs that you can look for a week and never think of it again and then there are some which you can keep looking for your entire life. The photographs taken by Neeta and her team are more real than reality. It all started with my sister wanting to gift me something memorable. She suggested “Candid Photography”. I was in this phase of my life where I said “Yes” to anything that was suggested including my marriage 🙂.
My brother in law (Sirish), who is an expert photographer himself, researched quite a bit, contacted a few and felt strongly that Neeta Shankar is the one that I should go with. The shoot was supposed to happen in Mysore and but we couldn’t confirm the dates. We gave them just 6 hours notice to shoot in Bangalore and they happily acknowledged. Lalbagh in my opinion is a not a great location to shoot, but the pictures prove me wrong.
The shoot was to commence at 6 am. I was of the opinion that they would not reach the venue before 6.30 am atleast. Sneha received the phone call at 5.50 am asking where we were. Thankfully we were not that late. We were very pleased with their punctuality. My wife, who is also a decent photographer, has the habit of checking other’s work. She does not surrender that easily. She casually walked upto Neeta asking her to show the first photo that she had shot. The photo was exemplary and my wife never asked for another photo to be shown. Such is the finish!
Wearing a suit when the temperature is 42 degrees is not advisable and I thought the shoot will soon end, but it went on for seven hours. When people look at our pictures they think that we were posing but the reality is we were just admiring their zeal and enthusiasm. Close to 3000 pictures were taken and I saw the whole team dripping in sweat yet they never stopped smiling. What is unique about them is their team work. They don’t clash – they gel together. I am not quite a photo person but looking at these pics I now feel that I am not that bad afterall 🙂.
All we can say is Wow! We are thrilled with our photos, they are absolutely beautiful. Thank you once again.